Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Campaign of Obama

Presidential nominee Cynthia McKinney told me a black man in office doesn't always equal victory. Look at Alan Keyes, better yet look at Clarence Thomas. He's a supreme court justice with positions that's preposterous. In Philly, Michael Nutter's another that's doin nothing. Diversity is needed but if corrupted than it's hustling. Look at Wilson Goode the mayor in 1985. Philly PD bombed Move's house and imprisoned the Move 9. The problem is Democrats react by supporting the acts of Republicans through history assuring, what the educated know, the big parties won't reveal, 'cause Obama looks like change, but McKinney's the real deal. And the right wanted to fight with the appearance of C. Rice. We can't give up on diversity, it's needed we gotta get it, but remember next election vote for the realest message. 'Cause Obama's bought and sold like McCain the same mold.

Obama and McCain are not for change in this nation. They represent the rich corporations 'cause they made 'em. When Republicans lie and turn the world into a prison, the Democrats are with 'em voting funding their decisions. 

He's way better than McCain but the change made is minimal. When we riddled with decisions in two parties filled with criminals. Democrats like republicans, both funded with corruption going back hundreds of years and this year's no interruption. Auto makers and oil run Obama and McCain, and neither party'll change life in the hood or the pain. And it's a shame how they living in the place known as prison. It's an issue he don't envision when he's given his decisions. He's not for a "live-able" wage or reparations or aid for slavery he's basically patronizing tastefully. If he get's elected remember this song's direction. Remember to take action out side of elections. That's the message and the hope to give real progression a vote. We need a leader like Nader or McKinney in the position for the mission of getting rid of corporate risen politicians. 'Cause Obama might look different but doesn't make his own decisions.

They say Obama he makes change everyday we hear this. The only real change he's gonna make is a change in appearance. Though the change in complexion it sets an important precedent, it doesn't change a nation of corruption and embezzlement. I'm hesitant to cheer, 'cause it's clear, it was evident, aside from appearance he's just like any other president. Tellin' 'em what they want to hear fill you with fear about Iran, representing corporate interests and taking a stand for Uncle SAM. And Damn he can't admit issues we knew to be true. The biggest purveyor of violence is the red, white, and blue. It's malicious, if the media loves him I'm suspicious. The same media that makes weapons, sells wars, and lives in riches. Says he's against the war but votes to fund it on the floor? And all the issues I speak on in all my other songs, he's just not the type to bring a right to those wrongs. We got a two party system in a greedy corporate vision. This system's one step away from a dictatorship to live in. But the truth is corporations are dictators of positions.

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